6. Bildungswissenschaftlicher Tag - Interaction Processes in the Classroom

Participation is free, registration is necessary.
30.11.2018 09:30 to 20:00

The classroom is a place full of interactions – both among students and between students and teachers. The Bildungswissenschaftlicher Tag will focus specifically on these social interaction processes with respect to not only critical underlying dimensions (e.g., agency, communion, emotions) but also empirical assessment and how such processes can be optimized in classroom settings. Talks and workshops will provide insight into the state of the art of research on this topic and outline practical implications derived from this research.


Keynote I
Interaction Processes in the Classroom: Theories, Methods, Empirical Findings and Practical Implications
Prof. Dr. Jan van Tartwijk, Utrecht University & Prof. Dr. Thomas Götz, Universität Kontanz / PHTG

Comment on the Keynote (in German language)
OStD Jürgen Kaz, Schulleiter, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium Konstanz

Keynote II
Examples on how to Measure Interaction Processes in the Classroom
Prof. Dr. Tim Mainhard & Monika Donker, Utrecht University

Classroom Management: How to Manage Interaction Processes in the Classroom around the World
Prof. Dr. Theo Wubbels, Utrecht University

There are two workshop cycles, so you can choose two workshops.

Keynote III (in German language)
Schwärme, Herden und Schulklassen: Grundmuster tierischen und menschlichen Sozialverhaltens
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ganteför, Universität Konstanz




Workshop 1 (in German language)
Erfassung des Interaktionsverhaltens von Lehrkräften im Klassenzimmer
Prof. Dr. Tim Mainhard, Utrecht University

Workshop 2
Hands-on: Coding interpersonal teacher behaviour from moment to moment
Monika Donker, Utrecht University

Workshop 3 (in German language)
Emotionsansteckung im Klassenzimmer
Maike Krannich & Anna-Lena Roos, Universität Konstanz

Workshop 4 (in German language)
„Gender in Class“ - was wir aus psychologischen Studien für den Unterricht lernen können
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Axinja Hachfeld, Universität Konstanz

Workshop 5 (in German language)
Heterogenität im Klassenzimmer aus der Perspektive von Person-Situation-Interaktionen
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Kärner, Universität Konstanz

Workshop 6 (in German language)
Unterrichtskommunikation als situierte und multimodale Ko-Konstruktion – Bildungsprozesse in ihrer Komplexität verstehen (qualitativ-rekonstruierender Zugang)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Isler, Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau